Stained teeth? We can help you out! To get back to those “pearly whites” we simply take custom impressions of your teeth for whitening trays/clear retainer. With these retainers, you simply place a drop of whitening gel onto each tooth impression on the tray and wear them while going about your day. After a few days, you will notice a sparkling difference and the results allow you to smile with confidence! Schedule today to get your whitening trays!
Whitening Instructions
Prior to inserting your trays, brush and floss your teeth. Lightly tap tray to adapt sides of try to teeth.
Load trays with whitening gel by placing a small dot of solution on the front surface of each tooth.
After placing trays in your mouth, press lightly on the front and wipe off any excess solution.
Leave trays in for the prescribed amount of time.
After you complete each whitening treatment, rinse your trays thoroughly and lightly brush your teeth.
NO dark liquids for 2 hours immediately after whitening (Coffee, Tea, Soda, Red Wine).
Bleaching Schedule
35% solution- wear your trays NO LONGER than 30 minutes
20% solution- Wear your trays NO LONGER than 2-4hrs/day
15% solution- Wear your trays NO LONGER than 8-10hrs/day
Be Aware
You may experience some sensitivity; if the sensitivity increases you may skip every other day.
To help prevent sensitivity, avoid using any whitening or tarter toothpaste and avoid acidic fruits and juices
For your initial whitening treatment, you will want to do the whitening treatment for 10-14 days.
For touch-up whitening, you will only require 2 days of treatments usually every 6 months to 1 year.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Call (435) 734-2248 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit.